1. |
Applied college algebra and trigonometry with calculus
by Davis, Linda.
Edition: 3rd.ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 2003Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA152.3 D38 2003 ] (1). Copies available for reference: [QA152.3 D38 2003 ] (1 ).
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Algebra & trigonometry : enhanced with graphing utilities
by Sullivan, Michael.
Edition: 5th.ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River,New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2009Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA152.2 S4949 2009 ] (1). Copies available for reference: [QA152.2 S4949 2009 ] (1 ).
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Precalculus : Functions and graphs
by Swokowski, Earl W;
Cole, Jeffery A.
Edition: 9th.ed. Publisher: Australia : Brooks/cole,Thomson learning, 2002Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA331.3.S95 1998] (1). Copies available for reference: [QA331.3.S95 1998 ] (3 ).
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Precalculus: functions and graphs
by Swokowski, Earl W;
Cole, Jeffery A.
Edition: 10th.ed. Publisher: Canada Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA331.3 S95 2005 ] (5). Copies available for reference: [QA331.3 S95 2005] (5 ).
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Algebra and trigonometry with analytic geometry
by Swakowski, Earl W;
Cole, Jeffery A.
Edition: 11th.ed. Publisher: Canada Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA152.3 S96 2005 ] (4). Copies available for reference: [QA152.3 S96 2005 ] (4 ).
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