1. |
Fundamentals of sequential and parallel algorithms
by Berman, Kenneth A;
Paul, Jerome L.
Publisher: Boston : PWS Publishing, 1997Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.9.A43B47 1997 ] (1).
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Data stuctures, algorithms, and software principles in C
by Standish, Thomas A.
Publisher: Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley Publishing, c1995Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73.C15S69 1995 ] (5).
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Algorithms in C++
by Sedgewick, Robert.
Edition: 3rd.ed Publisher: Boston : Addison-Wesley, 2002Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73 S38 2002 ] (1).
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Data structures and algorithms in Java
by Goodrich, Michael T;
Tamassia, Roberto.
Publisher: New York : John Wiley, 1998Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73.J38G66 1998 ] (5).
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Algorithm development and program design using C
by Bronson, Gary J.
Edition: 1st.ed. Publisher: Boston : PWS Publishing Company, 1996Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73 B869 1996 ] (1).
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Struktur data & algoritma menggunakan C++
by Nor Bahiah Ahmad.
Publisher: Johor : UTM, 2005Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73 S784 2005 ] (1).
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Computer algorithms : introduction to design and analysis
by Baase, Sara;
Van Gelder, Allen.
Edition: 3rd. ed. Publisher: Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, c2000Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.9.A43B33 2000] (5).
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Algorithms and data structures in C++
by Ammeraal, Leendert.
Publisher: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1999Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73 A45 1999 ] (3).
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Algorithms and data structures : the basic toolbox
by Mehlhorn, Kurt;
Sanders, Peter.
Publisher: Berlin : Springer, c2008Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.9.D35 M498 2008] (2). Copies available for reference: [QA76.9.D35 M498 2008] (1 ).
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Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++
by Weiss, Mark Allen.
Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Boston : Pearson Education, c2006Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73.C153 W429 2006 ] (2).
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Data structures and algorithms in C++
by Drozdek, Adam.
Publisher: Boston : PWS Publishing, 1996Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73.C153 D76 1996] (19). Copies available for reference: [QA76.73.C153 D76 1996] (1 ).
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Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++
by Shaffer, Clifford A.
Edition: THIRD EDITIONAvailability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.73.C153 .W429 2011] (1).
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Numerical Computational Methods
by Patil, P. B. (Prabhakar Baliram);
Verma, U. P.
Publisher: Oxford, U.K. : Alpha Science International, 2006Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA297 .P345 2006] (1).
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Algorithms illuminated / Part 4: Algorithms for NP - Hard Problems
by Roughgarden, Tim.
Publisher: San Fransisco Soundlikeyourself Publishing 2020Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.6 R684 2020] (1).
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