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Applied thermodynamics for engineering technologies
by Eastop, T.D;
McConkey, A.
Edition: 5th ed. Publisher: Harlow,England : Pearson Education, 1993Availability: Copies available for loan: [TJ265 E23 1993 ] (2).
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Termodinamik gunaan untuk ahli teknologi kejuruteraan
by Eastop, T.D;
Eastop, T. D. (Thomas Deas);
McConkey, A. (Alan);
Mohammad Zainal Md. Yusof.
Edition: 4th ed.Publisher: Skudai : Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 1996Availability: Copies available for loan: [QC311.E13 1996] (3). Copies available for reference: [QC311.E13 1996] (1 ).
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3. |
Applied thermodynamics for engineering technologists
by Eastop, T. D. (Thomas D.);
McConkey, A. (Allan).
Edition: Fifth EditionAvailability: Copies available for loan: [TJ265 .E23 1993] (2). Copies available for reference: [TJ265 .E23 1993] (1 ).
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