21. |
Microstructural randomness and scaling in mechanics of materials
by Ostoja-Starzewski, Martin.
Publisher: Floride : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007Availability: Copies available for loan: [TA405 D88 2007 ] (1).
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Effective computational methods for wave propagation
by Dougalis, A. Vassilios;
Ekaterinaris, John A;
Kampanis, Nikolaos A.
Publisher: Florida : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA927 E27 2008 ] (1).
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Self assembly : the science of things that put themselves together
by Pelesko, John A.
Publisher: Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007Availability: Copies available for loan: [TK7875 P46 2007 ] (2).
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Introduction to paint chemistry and principles pf paint technology
by Bently, J;
Turner, G.P.A.
Edition: 4th.ed. Publisher: London : Chapman & Hall, 24 cmAvailability: Copies available for loan: [QD75.25.B475 1998 ] (1).
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Ubiquitous computing fundamentals
by Krumm, John.
Publisher: Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2010Availability: Copies available for loan: [QA76.5915 U15 2010] (1).
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Thermodynamics, combustion and engines
by Milton, Brian E.
Publisher: London : Chapman & Hall, 1995Availability: Copies available for loan: [TJ265.M662 1995] (1).
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